Shropshire Badger Group

Shropshire Badger Group




SHROPSHIRE BADGER GROUP was formed in 1987 to address an emerging problem of badger digging and baiting across the County.  


Sadly that continues to be our primary objective but there are others.


We endeavour to protect the general interests of badgers and their habitats throughout Shropshire.


We seek to provide an information service for local institutions, landowners and of course the wider public.


We encourage members to observe, study and record the behaviour of badgers both generally and at their setts and provide all possible support for that purpose.

We rely entirely on, and value the support provided by the general public and can be contacted  on Facebook or Twitter; by text message or calling our Helpline on 07407 167701; or by email using the Contact Form.


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As time has passed the Group has become involved in a whole range of badger related issues but the basic need for the Group to function efficiently is sett surveying. New members can receive formal training on a course or more often by simply joining more experienced members on surveying days.


We now have members trained and equipped to rescue orphaned or injured badgers before transfer to a dedicated Wildlife Hospital for expert veterinary care and rehabilitation.


We respond to reports of road casualties initially to check for signs of life or treatable injury but then to gather useful information that can be helpful in other ways.


We check plans for large building developments or major infrastructure changes to ensure that any badgers in the area are being properly considered.


We offer advice and sometimes direct assistance to anyone who is experiencing problems caused by the presence of badgers on their property.


We seek to identify members in different areas who can operate as Local Area Contacts and can become a focal point for gathering information and intelligence in their area as well as responding to or arranging assistance for badgers in difficulty.


Most of the work of the Group is voluntary but there are some costs and our fundraising revolves around Membership fees, donations, occasional grants, fees from talks or from attendance at shows or local fetes.


We are happy to provide talks, usually illustrated, to any groups from schoolchildren onwards to improve their knowledge of the lifestyle and ecology of badgers.


As a Registered Charity, we are unable to become involved in certain areas of political campaigning but where it is allowed, we do whatever we can and are able to advise our members of any opportunities available to them.


We hold monthly members meetings in Shrewsbury and provide a quarterly newsletter to provide members with items of local and national news along with other items of general interest.


Although our membership is reasonably healthy we are always keen to welcome new members across the entire County so if you’re minded to join us simply provide your details on the Join Us page or the `Contact Form’ and we’ll be delighted to see you.