Shropshire Badger Group

Shropshire Badger Group



If you care about badgers, why not become a member of Shropshire Badger Group? 


We are happy to welcome applications from anyone who feels able to support what we do and there are various opportunities ranging from  those who want to be very active to others who are less mobile as well as those who simply want to endorse our aims by being supportive members. All roles and support are vital to ensure that the Group operates efficiently.


Individual membership costs  £15 annually or £25 for a family and £100 for Life Membership.You will receive a regular newsletter to update you about local and national news along with other items of interest.


However you want to get involved, appropriate training will be available from experienced members within a very friendly environment.


If you choose to join us go to the Contact Us Page and provide your name, address, telephone number(s) and email details.  


The Membership Secretary will then contact you to provide more information and the means of paying your chosen membership fee.


It would help us when evaluating our various means of communication if you could include details about how you heard about the Shropshire Badger Group.